Featured Real Estate + Realtor's 1 ad/day on station of choice $250.00
Show up to 3 properties during your 3 month subscription. Each listing will include featured placement, up to 10 photos, a link to your website, video, and coupon. Realtor's ad will play once a day on Classic Hits 98.3FM or on ESPN The Ticket 102.3FM for $250 per month.
Featured Real Estate Listings + Realtors 3 ads/day on station of choice $550.00
Show up to 3 properties during your 3 month subscription. Each listing will be featured and include up to 10 photos, a URL, video and coupon. Realtor's ad will play 3 times per day on Classic Hits 98.3FM or on ESPN The Ticket 102.3FM for $550 per month.
Unlimited Real Estate Listings + 1 ad/day on station of choice $550.00
For $550/ month, show unlimited properties during your 1 year subscription. Each listing will include featured placement, up to 10 photos, a link to your webpage, video, coupon and FREE banner ad. Realtor's ad will play once a day on Classic Hits 98.3FM or on ESPN The Ticket 102.3FM.
Banner Ad $400.00
Your banner ad on classifiedmpx.com.
Multiple Real Estate Listings + Realtor's ad 3/day on station of choice $1,100.00
For $1100/ month, show an unlimited number of properties during your 1 year subscription. Each listing will be featured and include up to 10 photos, a link to your webpage, video, coupon and FREE banner ad. Realtor's ad will play 3 times per day on Classic Hits 98.3FM or on ESPN The Ticket 102.3FM.